At roughly 10:00 a.m. this morning we had an appointment at the Adoption Adminstration & Service Center to meet our new daughter. We were the second family of the seven families on our group to be called up to get our girl. The picture below is the very first picture we took of Sarah after our guide told us which one she was. This was prior to being united with her. We did not recognize her because they gave her a bad haircut. The gentleman to the left is the director of the orphanage Sarah came from.

As our name was called, we presented our passports and after the ok signal, we were handed Sarah. Mikel has Sarah's Tigger doll in her hand.

Sarah had been having a good time with her nannies prior to handoff. Afterwards, not so good. Below she is not digging Craig all that much.

After all the families had their babies, we were shuffled out as the next group was anxious to get their new daughters. By the time we got outside, Sarah had stopped crying and was kinda dazed. That is the Connor family from Atlanta in the picture below with their new daughter. Sarah was quiet on the bus ride back to the hotel - much of the time looking out the window.

The great equalizer - Cheerios. Sarah loves those Cheerios. She usually knew were the little bag of Cheerios was and never said no to one. They were what made her stop crying after handoff and give us some eye contact.
We'll include a picture of the myriad of clothes she was wearing in another post.

Back in our hotel room, Sarah was presented with some stacking cups and later a ducky during her bath. After her bath Sarah got a new diapher and some fresh clothes. Not ten minutes after the new diaper, she produced the mother of all poops. "Wanna be parents Mikel and Craig? WELL TAKE THIS!"
As we write this post, Sarah is taking her first nap. So far, so good. She is an absolute doll! No smiles yet, though. When we get one, we will post it ASAP.
OMG! We are SO excited! She is an absolute doll! We can't wait for more updates and we look so forward to seeing you guys when you return. Shep says he loves Sarah already.
WOO-HOO!!! Congratulations Mikel and Craig! You make such a beautiful family and it looks like you are naturals in the parenting department, especially after handling the "mother of all poop" trick so early in the game. Can't wait to introduce Katie to her new playmate!
YEAH!!! She's such a cutie. I'm sure it felt like a whirlwind, after such a long wait. So excited, I couldn't wait to check this morning. . .Gracelyn woke me up EXTRA early so I could check! She'll be so excited to meet Miss Sarah. Can't wait to see more! Much love,lisa
What bad haircut? :) She is absolutely darling. Cheerios are universal, huh?
Sarah is just beautiful, you guys are a beautiful family, we can't wait for you to get home and settled in so we can meet her in person!
Lots and lots of love to you guys!
Maria, Mike, and Lucy
She looks adorable and I am so glad that cheerios work! Molly is ready to play with Sarah! I am so happy for you both - what a great day!
FYI, guess who is our new homepage beauty? I couldn't wait to put her there!
Wow - I am so excited for you guys. Sarah is so cute!!
Praise GOD! What a beautiful new family and such a precious little doll with what I think is a super cute hair cut. Autumn just came over when I had her photo up and she said "A LITTLE GIRL!" in a very exicited voice. I'm so happy for all three of you and praying for immediate bonding, great health, and easy travels.
Oh boy, I am out of the loop! I thought you guys were leaving for China on March 2. Sarah is absolutely beautiful! So glad you three are finally together...hope the remainder of your trip is wonderful and your travels back are smooth! Love to you all...Jana, Fred and Ryann
I am so excited that your long wait is finally over. You are in all of our thoughts and we miss you. Congratulations on the latest addition to your family!
Awesome!!! So glad to see that your special day has finally arrived.
Sarah is a cutie!
What a beautiful little girl to love. She will bring you all so much joy and meaning. We have enjoyed following your journey and today is the best. God bless. Love Phil and Betty
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