We left Guangzhou at 6:30 a.m. on the 15th and arrived at DFW at 6:00 p.m. the same day. Considering that we crossed the international time line, it was a long day. We had a 40 minute flight from Guangzhou to Hong Kong, which was a breeze. I swear the walk to the gate at the Hong Kong airport was longer, as the gate was at the very end of the terminal.
We caught a little luck on our flight to LA. There were a few vacant seats on the flight and the stewardess asked the gentleman who had the window seat if he would mind moving so we could have a seat for Sarah. THAT WAS GREAT! We put Sarah in the seat between us and she played with her stacking cups, took a couple naps and flirted with some of the passengers. We were near the facilities, so many people chatted with Sarah as they waited their turn.
Upon arrival, we had to sprint to the next terminal to catch our flight to LA. Only had a few minutes to spare but we made it.
Upon our arrival at DFW, we had a nice crowd of well-wishers.
The new grandma is holding the sign and the new grandpa is at the far right (in the picture and politically). Thanks Espo for taking the picture.
After taking about 400 to 500 pictures in China we have yet to take a picture of Sarah since she has been home. I will resolve this later today.
Finally an update!! I was so happy to be able to welcome you all home and to get to meet Sarah. What a sweet little girl! Mikel, I hope you are getting better - jet lag, a new baby, and a sinus infection are not a good combination!
Welcome home! So glad your trip home was a breeze. Hope Mikel is well soon and Sarah is getting settled in.
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