Still stingy with the smile. During play time in the hallway at the hotel, Sarah would turn her face away from us when she smiled as to not give us the satisfaction. Craig showed her how to kick a beach ball, which was worth many a turned head and hidden smile. The hallway has mirrors, so we can see her from other angles. Speaking of mirrors, little miss vanity loves to look at herself in the mirror.

Today we took a tour of the Yue Lu Academy here in Changsha. It is a university that has been in the same location for over 1,500 years. It was an interesting walking tour, but not like walking UCLA and checking out the co-eds.

Maybe the best part of the Yue Lu Academy was all the steps. Sarah was very proud of herself as she ventured up and down many flights of stairs and some tall thresholds. Another day with squeeky shoes also helped entertain her.
Sarah and Mikel were of more interest to the Chinese tourists than the academy grounds. Many times they were stopped for pictures. Was it the uniqueness of a white American with a Chinese baby, or was it just Mikel's cheeks and eyes? Sarah hardly batted an eye as she was touched, adjusted, and handled by many Chinese ladies - some who gently scolded us for not covering her up enough. For future travelers/adopters, if it is the slightest bit cold, get some 80's style leg warmers, because it is hard to keep those ankles covered. And don't forget the gloves, the old ladies will grab the kid's hands to see if they are cold.
Love the bath photo. She is so beautiful. That is too funny that she is hiding the smiles from you guys. Maybe she thinks if you see her smile then will stop attempting to get more smiles???
Motherhood agrees with Mikel so well. Sarah is one lucky little girl. I am sure she will give you that smile sooner rather then later. Shep says he misses you guys, but is having fun with Daboyz. I think he is ready for ya'll to get back so he can be a one toddler dog ha! Sarah should have no problem laying on top of him giving him loves as Devin is taking care of this part of his training. Take care. Hugs to you all.
Mikel, You do look absolutely radiant as a mommy! It is so heart warming to see you with Sarah. I wonder what's going through her little mind. Whatever it is, I'm sure she knows there's something special about you two! If it weren't for summer rapidly approaching here, you'd be getting elderly ladies to tell you to "cover that baby!".
She is a precious, little girl. Everyone involved (including all of us as we observe) is blessed by this wonderful miracle!
Much love,
I love the one of Sarah smiliing while mommy's holding her. :) Lucy loved to look in the mirror, too, and I would set her on the counter and play games with her so she could watch herself/me in the mirror and not feel like she was making direct eye contact (she wasn't too fond of me in the earliest days, and much preferred Mike!!). She still loves to do this. I doubt some of these little ones have had a chance to see their own reflection much before.
You guys look like you are haivng a fantastic time taking everything in and bonding with your daughter, who is an absolute stunning beauty (have I told you that?). Thanks for letting us share in this with you. And good news, Lucy has stopped frowning and saying "MY Craig! MY Mikel!" when she sees the pictures! This morning, she pointed and said "Miss Mikel Sarah's mommy!"
Give her lots of hugs and kisses from your Sprouts friends....
Love, Maria
Great photos again! Love to see the beautiful Miss Sarah!
Love all the photos! Sarah is so precious. I'm so happy for you to finally be united!
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