Sarah did not come out of her shell yesterday, she exploded. Sarah was acting like she drank a couple Red Bulls or a six pack of Mountain Dew. She was full tilt until the bus ride to the hotel, around 10:00 p.m. when she finally crashed. She is not exactly Chatty Kathy yet, but she is making numerous sounds. She just couldn't stay still and was smiling most of the time - unless you break out a camera to prove it to the world, then she gets closed mouth. At the Changsha Airport she walked Mikel silly and learned how to slide on the tile floor. Falling is not a problem, she just gets up to try again. On the plane, as Craig held her, she was up, down, sideways, upside down (her favorite position) and all over the place. Many of the folks in our travel group were amazed at Sarah's coming out display. Below is Mikel in the lobby of the White Swan, about 10:30 p.m., waiting for Craig to secure the room keys so we can all go to bed. Sarah is finally still.

Today we walked from the White Swan Hotel to the building where all adopted babies receive a physical examination. Sarah enjoyed the ride in the stroller over and was in good spirits. The quiet streets of Guangzhou are a welcomed change from the hustle and bustle of Changsha. The arthitecture and gardens are a delight. Many in our group are happy that a Starbucks is only a block from the hotel. Below is Mikel and Sarah to the left, our guide Rui in the middle and the German's (their name, not nationality) to the right.

There were dozens of families at the physical examinatoin building with their new children, many of which were crying. Sarah is always very aware of her surroundings, and the 'bad vibe' of all the crying babies had to alert her that this is not a happy place. Her first exam, measuring of head diameter and outward exam of body went well. The second station was weighing and measuring. When Mikel handed Sarah to the attendant, Sarah started wailing, and Mikel almost started too. The third and final station was ears and throat, which Sarah did fairly well at, though she did not want to open her mouth for the tongue depressor. Below, Sarah is on the scale.

With the exam over, we now have the rest of the day free. On the way back to the hotel, Mikel hit many of the shops that cater to tourists. All of the attendants tell us we have the prettiest baby, which they are correct, and try to sell us their wares. Mikel has already purchased two more pair of squeeky shoes and I think placed an order for silk clothes for Sarah.

Many of the families we know who have adopted from China tell us that the child placed with them is the perfect match. I just want to know how the Chinese knew to match us with a kid that loves rough-housing. Sarah was practically wrestling Craig in the bed, pinning him down with her massive 21 pounds of might. Below is a toddler who just loves to be upside down and is no sissy-girl.
I stayed up late to see how Sarah is doing. Sounds like she needs to come play with Molly and maybe the 2 high energy girls can tire each other out!! I've enjoyed following your journey, but we are ready for you all to be home!!
Oh, there is our smile photo! I am with Anna, I am ready for you to come home, but enjoy every minute you can while you are there!!!
Give her a big hug (and toss her up in the air) for us.
Love, Maria, Mike, and Lucy
YEAH! We see her smile. I am so glad she is settling in now and feeling safe to let her precious personality come out. I am smiling with you guys.
ps. There is another coffee shop that is better than Starbucks just 1 block north and a little east of the WS. Autumn and I loved to enjoy a beverage on the patio as we watched people strolling by.
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