The gathering also included group photos and pictures of the girls with their mothers. Afterwards, Mikel and Sarah donned their new silk duds for the camera.

Later the families met for a last dinner together at Lucy's, the 'American' restaurant near our hotel. If this restaurant opened in Dallas, it would fail in days, but it does a good business here. As Mikel and Craig were eating their grilled cheese sandwiches, Sarah picked up french fries and started feeding her parents. Earlier in the day, as Craig was dressing to go out, Sarah brought him a shoe and his belt. What a sweet young lady she is becoming. The picture below is not the best of Mikel, but the aim is to get good pictures of Sarah, since we all know what Mikel looks like. Sarah doesn't like ketchup, but enjoyed dipping the fries for mommy. Is she wanted a bite, she would eat from the end without the ketchup and turn the fry around for mommy.

Sarah is just a darling baby, but as she gets comfortable with her parents, she is now starting to test boundaries. Where four days ago she was poker face, now she is at times becomes Little Miss Demanding. She gets very anxious for her formula in the morning and evening. This evening, as Craig waited for the formula to cool down, Sarah lost patience and had a small fit. She got a bit more obstinate later in the evening and was put to bed early. She is starting to hear 'NO' and 'BOO' (Chinese for 'no') a bit more often.
Earlier in the day, Craig and two fellow com padres, Chuck and John, decided to take the subway downtown. CITIC Plaza is home of the seventh tallest building in the world. The building does not have an observation deck so we just jumped into an elevator hoping to get some type of view. A lobby on the 48 floor allowed us some nice views; however, the day was so overcast that visibility was only a mile or two. The Guangzhou subways are very efficient and clean, making for a nice getaway for the guys. That's Craig with Chuck below.
More smiles! YEAH SARAH. Ty also got demanding when he could see the bottle yet we weren't letting him have it. Try cooling the boiling formula with about 1/3rd cold bottled water.
I LOVE LOVE LOVE the picture of Sarah and mommy in their silk outfits. I MUST have a copy of this. I am so glad things are going well you guys. We miss you all terribly and can't wait for you to come home. Hugs from us all.
Great pictures and even more smiles! I love that Sarah feeds Mikel...Molly would never share french fries with me (especially if they have ketchup).
Sarah gets lovelier and lovelier every day. Give ber big hugs and kisses from us-
Love all the pics, esp. the mommy/daughter photo! Sarah is really sweet and starting to share her smiles in the photos!
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