Thursday, July 31, 2008

Sarah the Groupie

Last Saturday night we ventured to Frisco to see the RoughRiders. We got there plenty early so Sarah would have a chance to meet some of the players. Sarah, under no pressure from her father, is becoming quite the baseball fan. Many a day she will find daddy and say she wants to watch baseball on TV.

Above is RoughRiders' pitcher Michael Schlact, Sarah's first interaction with a player.

A few minutes later, Sarah met Brennan Garr, another RoughRiders' pitcher.

Over near the dugout, outfielder Steve Murphy was nice enough to come over to say hi to Sarah and pose for a photo.

Later we moved over to the right field side and San Antonio Missions' player Seth Johnston was happy to have his picture taken with Sarah. All the above players were very kind and professional with Sarah and she had a good time meeting them.

Sarah enjoyed meeting the players; however, she is still leery of big, furry mascots. Above, Daisy the Ground Hog comes over to meet Sarah. Sarah was shy at first but she eventually gave the varmint a hug.


Anna said...

About time with the updates! Great photos - Sarah looks like quite the flirt! Love the London shirt, by the way!

Anonymous said...

Great photos with the players! What a great day at the ballpark. Looks like you had an AMAZING trip to Paris and Germany! So jealous.