First stop; Notre-Dame de Reims (Our Lady of Rheims) is the 13th-century Gothic cathedral of Reims, where the kings of France were once crowned. It is in the Champagne region of France.

Since we were in Champagne the ladies felt the need to indulge in the local bubbly.

Second stop; The Douaumont Ossuary is a memorial containing the remains of soldiers who died on the battlefield during the Battle of Verdun in World War I. The monument kinda reminded us of a submarine in its shape, which is not obvious from the photo above.

Third stop; The Luxembourg American Cemetery and Memorial. This is were General Patton is buried. Unfortunately, it closes at 5:00. We got there at 6:00. Christoph had no clue who General Patton was . . . or George C. Scott. From there we headed into the Fatherland and stayed at a bed-and-breakfast in the town of Konz, where the rivers Mosel and Saar converge.
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