Above is Beau Jones, a relief pitcher who came over to the Rangers' minor league system from the Atlanta Braves in the Mark Teixeira trade last year. I will refrain from the 'mullet' jokes.
Andrew Laughter was practically attacked by Sarah, as he was not prepared for Sarah's enthusiasm for getting in his lap for a picture.
This fine young man is Derek Holland, who pitched for the first time in Frisco the previous day. Derek seemed impressed by Sarah's appeal for a picture, as he was inundated with autograph requests from a group of miscreants, but choose to pose with Sarah. Derek is rapidly moving up the prospect list and is now considered one of the Rangers' top three farm hands.
At the beginning of the season, Sarah would not go near RoughRiders' mascot, Deuce. Now they are buddies and above is the picture to prove it.
your child makes me wonder where my childhood went. anyways, here's the link for the chinese school that my mom teaches at. She's starting a pinyin (romanized pronunciation of chinese characters) class for children about your daughter's age, so now's a good time for her to start. pinyin is the most basic level there is for simplified *mainlander* chinese, so I suggest starting soon. I started at age three by reciting those ancient chinese poems for the amusement of house guests (heartbreaking, I know)
its Alice, by the way.
Adding onto what Alice said, zhuyin fuhao (also known as bopomofo) is another way of writing out pronunciations, but that system and Traditional Chinese are only used in Taiwan.
Anyhoo, as much as I hate to say it (because some fat guy took over China and changed the whole writing system), Simplified mainland Chinese is where most of the cashflow will go one or two decades from now. Ohohohoho.
Hey Mikle, just thrilled to read all the news! Lets chat soon.
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