Friday, August 15, 2008

Sarah the Groupie, Part 2

What are the words every father wants to hear from his daughter? "I love you, daddy" and "I got an 'A' in Biochemical Engineering, daddy" and "No tattoos for me, daddy" are just a few. But the words that melt this daddy's heart are, "I want to watch baseball, daddy." So we went to another RoughRiders' game. Below are some of the players Sarah got to meet.
Above is Beau Jones, a relief pitcher who came over to the Rangers' minor league system from the Atlanta Braves in the Mark Teixeira trade last year. I will refrain from the 'mullet' jokes.
Andrew Laughter was practically attacked by Sarah, as he was not prepared for Sarah's enthusiasm for getting in his lap for a picture.

This fine young man is Derek Holland, who pitched for the first time in Frisco the previous day. Derek seemed impressed by Sarah's appeal for a picture, as he was inundated with autograph requests from a group of miscreants, but choose to pose with Sarah. Derek is rapidly moving up the prospect list and is now considered one of the Rangers' top three farm hands.
At the beginning of the season, Sarah would not go near RoughRiders' mascot, Deuce. Now they are buddies and above is the picture to prove it.
Traveling mascot, Birdzerk, was in town to entertain the crowd. Sarah was a little leery of Birdzerk and needed mommy near by for a photo.

Thursday, August 07, 2008

Lake Travis

This weekend we drove down to the palatial estate of Sarah's Godparents, Al & Cindy. They have frontage on Lake Travis near Marble Falls, and most importantly - a boat.

Above is Sarah and her mother getting ready to be dragged around the lake. Zoom in to the action shoot below and you can tell Sarah is having a great time, or at least she looks like it.

A cousin of Sarah's, Danielle, recently moved to Texas. One may recall pictures of Sarah dancing at Danielle's wedding in Tulsa last year. Our magnanimous host Cindy invited Danielle and her husband Kyle to join us for the day and have some water fun. The young couple tried the inter tube ride and later both water skied - Kyle's first time. Great fun was had by all.

Above, Sarah and the young couple relax after a fun day on the water.
On the way back home, we stopped by the Fugate's country manor south of Waco. The Fugates were a part of our travel group in China. They were united with their daughter Olivia about five minutes after we became a family with Sarah.
The way I see it, when a child goes to another child's house, they give each other the once over and then the visiting child samples the host child's toys. This is when the host child all of a sudden starts getting possessive of toys she has not given a rip about for ages. So it went with Sarah and Olivia. -
Above, Sarah tries out Olivia's guitar. Looks like she is about to belt out 'Baba O'Riley.' Thankfully, after a short time Sarah and Olivia became best of friends.

Above, Sarah the Elder explains to Olivia the Younger how things will be when she turns the big 3. And below, the girls get down-right goofy.
Much thanks for another grand feast presented by the Fugate's. They always spoil us when we visit.