Mikel and Sarah strolling the parking lot at the Fort Worth Zoo April 21, 2007.
Sarah loved the pooping cow machine! Here Sarah decides that this hermit crab is too big to take home!

Sarah enjoying some pizza with her new friend, Sarah Bear, April 27.
Congratulations, Uncle Howard for 10 Years Tobacco Free!
The Pullium Children together again, Sarah enjoyed being the center of attention as always!

Mikel is honored to be honored at the Teacher Appreciation Day PSHS softball game April 13, 07. Thank you to Erin who still thinks her 7th grade science teacher is cool! Sarah was very cool - almost frozen - as the last game of the season was called due to weather, but not before Erin presented Mikel with a certificate and goodie bag! Hooray!
So sorry it has been such a long time since I've last blogged! I will strive to catch up now that school is out for the summer and I've had a chance to catch my breath! Going back to school for the last month was definitely worth it, but wore me out! Enjoy these pics from the last few months!
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