The weekend of July 15, Craig, Mikel and Sarah, with Craig's mother Doris, headed to Tulsa for a wedding. Craig's cousin Danielle was getting hitched and many of Craig and Doris' New York relatives would be attending. More important, this would be many of our relative's chance to meet Sarah.
We arrived on Saturday. The wedding was Sunday night, so to fill some time Craig, Mikel and Sarah headed over to the Oklahoma Aquarium. Typical of a 2 year old, Sarah enjoyed the touch tanks. She was pretty fearless, though the splashing of the small rays backed her up some. Below, Sarah has just finished viewing turtles.
The wedding and reception took place at the Doubletree Hotel in downtown Tulsa. Mikel and Sarah both wore outfits purchased during our trip to China. Sarah's outfit is incomplete as she refused to wear the top that goes with her skirt/dress.